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Star Comprehensive Insurance


  • Entry age 0-65 yrs

  • policy type (2 adult + maximum 3 children)

  • sum assured options:5,00,000-1,00,00,000

  • policy term:1 year,2 year

  • Pre acceptance medical screening: No

  • Day care procedure: All


  • Hospitalization cover protects the insured for in patient hospitalization expenses for a minimum period of 24 hrs. These expenses include room rent (Private Single A/C room), nursing and boarding charges, Surgeon, Anesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants, Specialist fees, Cost of Medicines and Drugs.

  • Road Ambulance charges for emergency transportation to hospital as per specified limits.

  • Air Ambulance Benefit expenses up to Rs.2,50,000/- per hospitalization, not exceeding Rs.5,00,000/- per policy period.

  • Pre hospitalization expenses up to 60 days prior to admission in the hospital

  • Post hospitalization expenses up to 90 days after discharge from the hospital

  • Outpatient consultation (other than dental and ophthal) expenses up to limits mentioned in the table of benefits

  • Coverage for Domiciliary hospitalization for a period exceeding three days.

 Delivery and New born

  • Expenses incurred as in-patient for Delivery including Delivery by Caesarean section

  • Treatment of the New Born

  • Vaccination expenses for the new born baby are payable up to the limits mentioned in the schedule of Benefits, until the new born baby completes one year of age and is added in the policy on renewal.

Out-patient Dental and Ophthalmic Treatment

  • Dental / Ophthalmic treatments as an out-patient - once in a block of every three years.

 Organ Donor Expenses

  • Expenses incurred for organ transplantation from the Donor to the Recipient Insured Person are payable provided the claim for transplantation is payable.

Hospital Cash

  • Hospital cash benefit for each completed day of hospitalization for maximum of 7 days per occurrence is payable.

Health Check up

  • Cost of Health checkup is payable after every claim free year

Bariatric Surgery

  • Expenses incurred on hospitalization for bariatric surgical procedure and its complications thereof are payable upto the limits mentioned, during the policy period.

  • The maximum limit of Rs.2,50,000/- and Rs.5,00,000/- are inclusive of pre-hospitalization and post hospitalization expenses.

AYUSH Treatment

                                Inpatient Hospitalisation expenses incurred on treatment under Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy systems of medicines in a Government Hospital or in any institute recognized by the government and/or accredited by the Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board on Health as in patient is payable up to the limits mentioned in the Schedule of Benefits.

Accidental Death and Permanent Total Disablement

  1. Accidental Death

  2. Permanent Total Disability following an accident

  3. Dependent Children and persons above 70 years can be covered under Accidental Death and Permanent Total Disablement up to the sum insured of Rs.10,00,000.

Automatic Restoration of Sum Insured 

                               Upon exhaustion of Basic sum insured and the Bonus, sum insured will be automatically restored by 100% once during policy period. Such restored Sum Insured can be utilized for illness /disease unrelated to the illness / diseases for which claim/s was / were already made.

Such restoration will be available other than outpatient medical consultation.

Cumulative Bonus -maximum benefit of bonus is 100% of the basic sum insured.

Midterm inclusion of newly married / wedded spouse and New Born Baby is permissible on paying additional premium. The intimation about the marriage / new born should be given within 60 days from the date of marriage or new born

Waiting Period: The Company shall not be liable under this policy directly or indirectly for

  • First 30 days for illness/disease (other than accidents)

  • 24 months for specified illness/disease/treatments

  • 36 months for pre-existing diseases

Pre-Acceptance Medical Screening: Only for Buyback PED (Optional Cover).

Pre-Existing Diseases/Illness: Are covered after 36 months of continuous Insurance without break. If insured opts Buyback PED then Pre-Existing Diseases covered after 12 months of continuous coverage from the inception of this policy


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