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Group Insurance

Group Insurance health plans provide coverage to a group of members, usually comprised of company employees or members of an organization. Group health members usually receive insurance at a reduced cost because the insurer’s risk is spread across a group of policyholders.

Lower Premium: The premium amount of a group health insurance plan is much lower as compared to an individual health insurance plan. This, in turn proves a group policy to be a cost effective one. According to a study, a group health insurance plan is 30% cheaper than an individual health plan.

Maternity Cover: A group health insurance plan offers an individual with complete maternity benefits from the day one, whenever the person is enrolled in the policy.

Waiting-period: A group health insurance plan has no waiting period in order to avail full benefits of a health care plan as there exists in an individual health plan.

No Medical Check-up required: When it comes to group health insurance, it is not necessary for an individual to submit his or her medical checkup reports in order to get enrolled under the group health plan, as the case is with individual health insurance.


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