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Micro Insurance


  • Any person aged between 18 years and 65 years from Tier-1 & Tier-2 Places in India, can take this insurance

  • Beyond 65 years, policy can be renewed for life time.

  • Children from 2 years covered along with parents


  • policy is available on Individual and Floater basis in Tier I and Tier II places.

  • Cover for pre-hospitalization and post hospitalization.

  • Hospital Cash benefit covered,if treatment taken in Government hospital

  • Lifelong Renewals guaranteed

  • Cover for over 400 day care procedures.

  • No pre acceptance medical screening


  • Room, Boarding, Nursing expenses at Rs.750/- per day (0.75% of the sum insured) - either private or shared accommodation.

  • ICU charges upto Rs.2,000/- subject to maximum of Rs.10,000/- per hospitalization.

  • Surgeon, Anesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants, Specialist Fees, Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre charges, Cost of Pacemaker, Cost of Medicine and drugs etc.

  • Ambulance charges for emergency transportation upto a sum of Rs.500/- per hospitalization and overall limit of Rs.1000/- per policy period.

  • Pre Hospitalisation expenses upto 30 days prior to admission in the hospital.

  • Post Hospitalisation expenses upto 60 days after discharge from the hospital. Medical expenses incurred upto 7% of hospitalization expenses subject to a maximum of Rs.3,000/-.

  • Hospital Cash: Benefit will be paid at the rate of Rs.1000/- per day of hospitalization subject to a maximum of 14 days, where the treatment is taken in Government Hospital. This will be paid only for covered surgeries done as in-patient, whether any claim is made on indemnity basis or not. Payment of claim under hospital cash benefit will not reduce the Sum Insured. With this, the effective maximum claimable amount becomes Rs.1,14,000/-.


call us/Whatsapp to 9841739216.We will reach you immediately

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